
PeaceKeeper Character Pages

Chavenlink, Quorta III

Some people wouldn't believe that a Grahn can be cute. Some people haven't met Max. This particular little orphan Grahn doesn't know the meaning of menace and seems to have developed a fascination with H'rarrphey's tail... Where he came from and where he's headed is anyone guess, but if H'rarr isn't careful, he's going to have a very permeanant sidekick.

Vital Stats
Name: Max
Rank: Civilian
Gender: Male
Species: Grahn
Years of Service: n/a
Stationed: Chavenlink, Quorta III
Age: 7
Height: 24" at the shoulder, 5'1" standing
Eye color: black with green edge
Hair/pelt color: Black, brown and silver markings
Email c/o Lyla